Monday, 6 July 2009

Hops and Curry

This weekend was spent at the in-laws (well, not yet). Having looked at some of my very old posts, it would seem that I spend most of my time in Hampshire. This is not true, what is true though is that when I’m down there I try and visit some of the very nice pubs in the surrounding towns and villages.

As always I had to make a return to Triple fffs’ Railway Arms in Alton. I have talked about this place before and I still feel the same about this place; it’s fantastic, if not a little cramped. The only real draw back it this pub id getting served. The staff are quick and efficient but the always occupied bar stools get in the way. In a pub where you know the locals and might have to squeeze past them, have a chat and maybe even buy one another a drink on the way to the bar is nice and adds to the experience. However in a less well known pub having to barge past, or stand in the middle of a bunch of regulars who are having a conversation can be awkward. Still this is a great pub and if you happen to be in Alton (why?) give it a visit. The champion beer of Britain, Alton Pride was in good form as was the Pressed Rat and Warthog. There new beer Apache Peacock went down well, it’s a fruity blond beer with a good earthy base and a slightly citrus tang. A good mix of English and American Hops me thinks.

While in Alton I popped in to Waterstones and bought Pete Browns new book Hops and Glory. I’m only 70 pages in at the moment, but its a great read so far, packed with facts and building up to his [Pete Brown] adventure across the seas to deliver a pin of IPA from its birth place Burton-on-Trent to India. All this reading made me hungry (and thirsty). When we arrived back in Suffolk I ordered a curry to accompany the Goose Island IPA I has bought at the Hogs Back Brewery shop earlier in the day. A great combination inspired by the book. With the weekends eating and drinking now over its back to some good old hard graft to burn all those calories.

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