Thursday, 25 June 2009

Long time no post

Having given up trying to do a blog two years ago I’m back. A lot has happened over those 24 months.
At the time of posting my last entry on this blog I was working part time as a teaching assistant. At the eng of July that year my contract finished and almost the same day the landlord at our pub (The White Horse Edwardstone) and his girl friend decided they would leave….. overnight.
Me and Becky where the only candidates willing and ready to take over, so we did. Being a publican was hard work and required us to work long and always unsociable hours. In October, after a few false starts, we found a nice young couple to run the pub more permanently and I was allowed to go and play in our newly build brewery next-door.
The brewery is now fully up and operational and our beers are getting better and more consistent (even award winning in one case).
In this blog you can follow what I’m doing and brewing on a daily basis (with terrible spelling and punctuation guaranteed).

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