Thursday, 26 April 2007

Dark Beer Festival – Provisional Beer List

Just got the beer list for the Mayday weekend dark beer festival at my family’s pub.

Batemans- Dark Mild 3%

Bartrams- Mauld 3.5%

Bartrams- McClearys Milk Stout 4.3%

Bartrams- Comrade Bill Bartrams Egalitarian Anti Imperialist Soviet Stout 6.9%

Bear Town- Polar Eclipse 4.8%

Buffys- Mild 4.2%

Dark Star- Over the Moon 3.8%

Elgoods- Black Dog 3.6%

Hesket Newmarket- Great Cockup Porter 3.0%

Iceni- Men of Norfolk 6.2%

Mauldons- Black Adder 5.3%

Mighty Oak- Oscar Wilde 3.7%

Milton- Nero 5.0%

Nethergate- Old Growler 5.0%

Nethergate- Umbel Magna 5.0%

Pitfield- Shorditch Stout 4.0%

Pitfield- 1850 London Porter 5.0%

R.C.H- Old Slug Porter 4.5%

Teignworthy- Marthas Mild 5.3%

Titanic- Last Port’o Call 4.9%

Triple FFF- Pressed Rat and Warthog 3.8%

Not bad list, a bit higher in alcohol than in past years but still some lo ones. Looking forward to Over the Moon and Pressed Rat, two of my favourite Milds. I Have never had any of the bartrams beers. There are a few classics as well. Good List? What do you think?


Stonch said...

Not just a good list, a great list.

I can vouch for Nethergate Old Growler, Pitfield Porter & Stout, Dark Star Over the Moon, Elgoods Black Dog, Mighty Oak Oscar Wild and Milton Nero. I've had a few pints of each of those, and they're all first class.

Good luck with the festival.


Anonymous said...

I went to the last winter ales festival there. Great. Looking forward to the weekend!!

tommy n said...

t'was a good night. Dark star- over the moon and Triple fff- Pressed rat and warthog are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mild rules!!!!